Our most frequently asked question, for sure. Here are 2 things you need to know:
First, if you have an MTHFR variation or mutation, your body’s natural ability to convert Folic Acid into Methylfolate is limited, which means you likely have a folate deficiency regardless of whether you drink alcohol or not. If you fall into this category, it is advised that you consume the recommended dose, 1 tablet per day. How do you know if you have an MTHFR variation or mutation? You wouldn’t unless you tested for it. However, it is estimated that almost half of Americans have one, so the odds are certainly high. Having an MTHFR gene variation is basically like having a typo in the gene that tells the enzyme how to function. The enzyme will still work, but its activity is compromised to only provide 65% to as little as 30% of its normal function. MTHFR variations are especially common among Hispanics, Caucasians and Asians.
Second, your diet plays a major role. Each person has different levels of Methylfolate in their body, primarily a result of how good or bad the diet is. Folate is found in nuts, spinach, collard greens, asparagus, peas, beans and fortified whole wheat sources. However, heat destroys it, which means that folate food sources like these have to be eaten raw to have any positive effect. With that in mind, a standard American diet would not provide anywhere near the amount of folate-rich foods required. So it may come as no surprise that folate deficiency is the most common vitamin deficiency in the world. So, if you are on a standard diet that does not include frequent intake of these raw foods, it is advised that you consume the recommended dose, 1 tablet per day. However, if you have significant and regular intake of these folate-rich foods and are not one of the 50% of Americans with an MTHFR gene malfunction, then taking the product only on days where you drink will work just fine. If this is you, try taking the product before you have a sip. If you forget, that’s fine as well, just make sure to take it as soon as possible afterwards.