
If you order a product from us and Customer Service approves it for a return that was the result of a warehouse error, you will not get charged any shipping fees and Customer Service will provide you with a prepaid return label to send your product back.

In some cases, we will deduct our standard shipping fee from your refund after your return is received back by our warehouses, for the following reasons:

1) Your order has already shipped out but you simply changed your mind and would like to send it back.

2) You forgot to cancel your subscription in time, and as a result, a renewal order was processed and shipped that you now wish to return.

3) You received your item and cannot use it for a reason that is beyond our control, and you would like to return it for a refund.

4) Returns received by us without a proper shipping label or via ‘Return to Sender’ are subject to a $7 restocking fee.

5) Returns received by us due to an invalid address selected by the customer during checkout are subject to a $7 restocking fee.
